Who is the transfer agent for The Crypto Company?
Colonial Stock Transfer Co., Inc. 7840 S. 700 E. Sandy, UT 84070
801-355-5740 www.colonialstock.com info@colonialstock.com
What is the CUSIP number for The Crypto Company’s common stock?
The Crypto Company’s CUSIP number is 22906C 102.
Where can I View SEC Filings?
Where is The Crypto Company incorporated?
The Crypto Company is incorporated in Nevada.
Do you pay dividends or is there a reinvestment plan?
The company has not yet paid dividends on its common stock. The board of directors has sole discretion to determine whether to pay dividends in the future.
When is The Crypto Company’s fiscal year end?
The Crypto Company’s fiscal year ends on December 31st.
Who are The Crypto Company’s independent auditors?
Who do I contact with additional questions?
For additional information please contact Investor Relations: FAQ – additional questions for investor relations